The Daystar Festival – The Coming of the Holy Kumaras – DVD of audio files
The Daystar Festival – The Coming of the Holy Kumaras – DVD of audio files
Price $30.00

Stock Status:In Stock


Daystar Festival
The Coming of the Seven Holy Kumaras

Featuring The Stepping Forth of The Seven Holy Kumaras - audio DVD album

Recorded in Redlands, California, July 4-7, 1996

Occult students around the world know that every 2,500 years the Seven Holy Kumaras step forth on the world’s stage and release a tremendous outpouring of their Light. Like the birth of the Christ Child in the humble manger of Bethlehem, without fanfare or worldly acclaim, these singular events took place in Redlands, California from July 4-7, 1996. This Release provided the primary impetus and driving force to inaugurate the New World Religion of the I AM Faith designed to bring mankind to a higher stage of spiritual enlightenment and self-mastery.

Album Booklet