Gautama Buddha — The Open Door of the Heart
Gautama Buddha — The Open Door of the Heart
Price: $12.00

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“First you place your attention upon God. Then you become God in Action. And then you become One with all of Life.” The breadth and depth of profound Teaching from Gautama’s Heart that fills these pages is remarkable, like blazing lanterns of Illumination’s Flame that light the Pathway to Christhood. Gautama instructs you on how to expand your Detail Consciousness, how to know your Heart and the Heart of God, how to gain greater adeptship in the use of the Light — and how to become more of God until God Life overflows into every facet of your life! Let Gautama’s Wisdom help you know who you truly are — your own God Self, your True Divine Identity!

This book is available as a Kindle eBook from and as an Apple eBook from Apple Books.