Romancing the Path II – DVD of audio files
The Story of God Flames, Twin Rays & Soul Mates
Weekend Seminar held in Chicago, Illinois, February 11, 2000 - Sunday, February 13, 2000
Boyfriends. Girlfriends. Spouses. Children. Parents. Siblings. You’ve loved many individuals just in this lifetime, let alone countless previous incarnations. But where is enduring, eternal, unconditional Love? Why does the Heart still yearn for healing, wholeness, and completeness? Let the Ascended Masters guide you beyond the ups and downs of temporal human love and into the everlasting Joy of the ultimate Love — Divine Love. In this valentine from Their Hearts to yours, the Masters continue Their extraordinary Teachings on Love and Spirituality released in Romancing the Path I: how to educate your Heart to completely open and magnetize Divine Love into your life. Waltz happily through your days in partnership with your I AM Presence, giving and receiving, and increasingly achieving the mastery and wholeness that will take you into the permanent Bliss of "marrying" your Presence in the Ascension. Learn Love from those who have completely become Love — the Ascended Masters!