Nativitas Novas:
Coming To Be of the LoveStar DayStar Presence
Acropolis Sophia:
All Things Bright and Beautiful
2020 New Year's Conference and Acropolis Sophia
held in Tucson, Arizona,
December 28, 2019 – January 8, 2020
Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Help You
Understand, Embrace, and Access Your Mighty I AM Presence and
Your Causal Body Attainments — and Fulfill Your Fiery Destiny!
The Great Divine Director Proclaims, “You are the Outer Activity of the Most High...This is Your Time in History to Accomplish a Great Task!” So,Let these Releases Help You Surrender Your All to Your I AM Presence, Manifest the Momentums of God Good Stored in Your Casual Body,and Fulfill his Words! During the 2020 New Year’s Conclave, El Morya, Kuthumi, and Djwal Kul (the Three Wise Men now Ascended), Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya,the Great Divine Director, and other Ascended Masters presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, and Instruction to give you a more profound understanding of your own True Identity as the I AM Presence and what it means for that Presence to be in earthly incarnation. And during the accompanying Acropolis Sophia,the Goddess of Light, El Morya, Purusha, and other Ascended Masters revealed new Teachings on the mysteries of the Causal Body.Learn what allows you entrée into your Causal Presence.Discover the true meaning of “God Individualized.” Understand why you cannot have two selves. With 30 remarkable Releases, this double album is your key to wisely unlocking the treasure chests of your Divine Self and Causal Presence that will change everything!
You may click here to download a PDF version of the liner notes for the DVD album.