The Chohans & The First Ray Masters Lead the Temple & The Torch Bearers To Their Ascended Master Victory! plus The Infinite Power of the Book of Cosmic Law
The Chohans & The First Ray Masters Lead the Temple & The Torch Bearers To Their Ascended Master Victory! plus The Infinite Power of the Book of Cosmic Law
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The Chohans & The First Ray Masters Lead The Temple & The Torch Bearers To Their Ascended Master Victory!
Plus Acropolis Sophia:
THE Infinite Power of the Book of Cosmic Law
The One ◊ The One Law ◊ The One Lawgiver

2023 Harvest Conference and Acropolis Sophia held in Tucson, Arizona,
October 4 – 15, 2023

Available as audio download or DVD of audio files

Teachings from the Ascended Masters to Bathe You In the Blue Flame of the Will of God and Accelerate Your Mastery of the Rays of God Consciousness and Cosmic Law!

Exultation! Jubilation! Celebration! For the Ascended Masters Invite You to Rejoice in All that is the Will of God for You and for The Brotherhood’s Vanguard Activity of The Temple of The Presence®! During the 2023 Harvest Conclave, six Chohans of the Seven Rays of God Quality presented powerful Releases of their Light, Momentum, Instruction, and Divine Direction to help you touch their Keynote Identities and expand your understanding, mastery, and attainment on their Rays. And during the accompanying Acropolis Sophia, this life-changing process continued with Dictations by Saint Germain, the Chohans of the Five Secret Rays of the Christ Virtues, and the Maha Chohan. Also delivered during this Acropolis were invaluable in-depth Teachings on the transcendent Principles of the Truth of Cosmic Law® — the firm foundation upon which The Temple of The Presence® stands. This double album contains each of these remarkable Releases designed to accelerate you on the Path to your Ascension and reinforce your God Determination to Keep the Sapphire Dream™ Alive! As you master these Teachings and stand as a Pillar of Fire invoking the Light of your God Presence, Lord Lanto confirms, “And you, blessed hearts, are changing the world!”

You may click here to download a PDF version of the liner notes for the DVD album.